Paras and Parasect confused me as a kid because I thought they were just weird crabs. They're actually based on cicada nymphs, and the "mushrooms" are a reference to a fungus in the Cordyceps genus which PARASitizes cicadas! 😬 (thanks !)

19 217

Not sure why we're not constantly talking about cordyceps... Unless...!

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Literal que hay peña en este universo con brazacos y nadie dice nada, ahora, también os digo, es un VIDEOJUEGO, no tiene por qué ser un calco de la realidad, sino, Cordyceps jamás mutaría en lo que existe del juego, porque es prácticamente imposible que un hongo haga eso XD

7 65

Honestly not as proud of this as I was hoping, stopped midway - wasn't getting that feeling. Background was bad.
Here's a psuedo cordyceps infected Levanny since I finished my Black2 zombie apocalocke recently.

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yes hello I provide food as well, @/TheCordyceps (kinda) ordered young in fishnets and heels

49 175

hughuhugu one of my corruption s!!! hez chock full of entity provided cordyceps ignota that he caught from his pet tarantulas :)

5 26

Preview for 's show! Get ready for fun worldbuilding questions such as: how might a people who live in perpetual darkness conceptualize their relationship with death when a parasitic cordyceps fungus is their only source of light?

6 36

Alatreon turned Clicker, master of the Cordyceps

98 475

cw trypophobia

Parasitoid fungi [Ascopolyporus, Cordyceps, Gibellula]

155 550

Para entender o mundo e o sucesso de The Last of Us:

- Quem são Joel e Ellie
- Depoimento de fãs
- Conversa com biólogo especialista em Cordyceps
- Entrevista com a corroteirista de TLOU Part II

Tudo com ilustrações informativas.

49 201

a better look at my cordyceps skull. Never before have I had so much fun drawing mushrooms

22 123

Nerdy Birdy Character
Fly Agaric

Fly Agaric Nerds are friendly and happy, and are oblivious to any harm they accidentally cause. Their evil twin is the Cordyceps Nerd, who’s home is a cave in the mountains behind the blue mushroom field.

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🍄 Paras y Parasect 🍄

Se basan en:

-Paras y Parasect: Ninfas de cigarra infectadas por el <Ophiocordyceps>.

Las esporas de este hongo penetran en el huésped con el objetivo de tomar su sistema nervioso central e incluso lo controlan.

28 172

At first I was filling the leafeon up with grubs, but then the Cordyceps fungus came to mind and here we go. Just make sure to stay far far away.

1 8

art provided by the awesome , go check her stuff!
meet bob, the fungal dryad. she likes vibing, could do a lot more since, she can emulate the brain-control method of cordyceps, but chooses not too. gives off bad vibes man, doesn't fit her strong moral code

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