TLに流れて来た写真がとても素敵だったので真似っこして  でお絵描き:呪文「雲の隙間から射す日の光、赤い花がいっぱい」。

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Could there be a better day for the than The thinks everyday should be Our playing hero encourages everyone to enjoy some & today.

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Craiyon really do be making some banger character designs

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Made with "stable diffusion" AI
Изображение сгенерированно при помощи ИИ "stable diffusion"

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CrAIyon makes weirder images, but that also makes it into a kind of a fun a rorschach test lol

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Made with "stable diffusion" AI
Изображение сгенерированная при помощи ИИ "stable diffusion"

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画像自動生成AI"#craiyon( )"が描く

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画像自動生成AI"#craiyon( )"が描く

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Last ai image for a while, got work to do.
Process: Old idea generated in Craiyon months ago and forgotten, then found, then quick sketch-over and today I did another bunch of Stable Diffusion img2img generations and mixed it all into one pic.
Its Rinoa(FF8) and Tifa(FF7) btw

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The horrors can generate are just amazing. You can use a list of unrelated words as a prompt and sometimes you get something crazy. When you do, just use enhancement words to make em pop!

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WTF kind of waifus are these?
Were the eyes too hard to do?

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Kane interrupting Undertaker vs HBK in Green Forest is one of the most epic debuts of all time!
(Photos courtesy of "Craiyon".)

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craiyonで「風華学園 舞-HiME」と入力すると顔面は崩壊してるけどなんかアニメの1コマっぽくなった!

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Just released a Colab notebook that combines Craiyon+Stable Diffusion , to get the best of both worlds. (Works in Colab free tier)

GitHub Repo :

Colab :

(Top image is Craiyon, bottom is stable diffusion's reinterpretation)

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