Schedule change for this week! I have made a few amendments to the schedule. I will still be streaming the same games, except for Friday where I will be streaming Stardew Valley again instead! We need to earn those molahs for my coop!!

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faces 175 years in a US supermax for revealing 100% true information. He will be tried under the Espionage Act which has no public interest defense & won’t be allowed First Amendment protections. This criminalises journalism

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Bag and sassy boy lost in the Desert ( learning to draw background's currently )

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Reggie loves to play pretend!
Here's he's exercising his Second Amendment!
Yee Claw!!
Reggie and Friends will be coming soon to an NFT market near you!

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Got home from a 2nd 6 hour IKEA trip in a week. Then I rearranged the Hot Press for more storage and filled 2 Bookcase Shelves wth clothes and books to donate before the move. I rest now?

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I support the 2nd amendment but it cuts both ways. If you want to be FOR free speech you need to defend the right for the stuff you hate. I.E. I’m against anime and manga because it’s notorious for over sexualizing minors but I’m not trying to go cancel culture on it

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Its brightness and color-changing with the surrounding environment. Similarly the artwork shifts in color depending on the lighting ambiance and the angle of view when one moves through the space.  

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An important amendment about Final Animal Fantasy Crossing VII

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This, 100%

It doesn't matter how you feel about abortion. We can strike down Roe v Wade or pass a new amendment if you want to fight abortion. That's fine, if that's your view. Of course if you support abortion it's a moot point.

These kind of legal shenanigans must be stopped.

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心痛 精神的苦悩 アイソレーション

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Frites diagnosed me in return

Although for mitsuya his amendment was that I am less cool than him

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I want to make stickers based on these doodles, sendme more here 🙏🏻

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A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be
infringed...2nd Admendment (USA)

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