"No te molestes en ser mejor que tus contemporáneos o tus predecesores, intenta ser mejor que tú mismo". (William Faulkner)

🎨 https://t.co/WQOU3q33u3

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The only thing worth about is the conflict in the human heart.

Christabelle Lamort

43 94

'The Silence of Reason' - Isabelle Faulkner, Divided States Poster WIP

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Anne Faulkner💘

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Today is National Children's Day. To promote & protect the wellbeing of children & young people in the UK.
This painting is called 'The Swing' by George Faulkner Wetherbee 1851-1920. Oil on canvas.

7 13

I think we will be eternally remembered as the community that got so bored during COVID lockdown we made a feature-length animated series.

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On we're sharing this delightful C.W. Faulkner postcard series from 1916 illustrated by Ivy Millicent James added to the website this week from the Peter & Dawn Cope Collection. https://t.co/1guVj1DVdT

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🔥BAE / Anne Faulkner💘

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I decided the time was ripe to update Faulkner by re-drawing him. His eyes are now drawn in the style that uses for her suits, he's a bit chubbier, and he now wears the clothes that I'll be wearing with him at meets. I'm really happy with this re-draw. :)

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La nostra
passione nazionale
per i mediocri.

9 7

"Fox Spirit shone a spotlight on some of the anthologies where you can find stories by our own Jay Faulkner." Skulk Spotlight: Author Jay Faulkner can be found in all three of our Bushy Tales anthologies...

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Created with much love by , here he is: Faulkner the Lop Rabbit! She did a magnificent job and suiting up as him for the first time today for photos was really magical.

And special thanks to his namesake, , whose music helped inspire his creation. ^_^

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Fu allora che imparai che le parole non servono a nulla; che le parole non corrispondono mai neppure a quello che cercano di dire.

🖼Jeanne Mammen

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“Anche lui aveva una parola. Amore,lo chiamava. Ma era da un pezzo che avevo fatto l'abitudine alle parole.Sapevo benissimo che quella parola era come tutte le altre: semplicemente una forma per riempire un vuoto”
Quando morivo


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Sognate e mirate
sempre più in alto
di quello che ritenete
alla vostra portata.
Non cercate solo
di superare i vostri
contemporanei o i
vostri predecessori.
Cercate, piuttosto,
di superare voi stessi.


38 73

"Il vostro nome non varrà più nulla,dopo che questa gente avrà così deciso"
-Quello che voi definite un buon nome è un abito troppo inconsistente per essere comodamente indossato. “

La paga del soldato


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