Was super fortunate to get to create these NFT derivatives for ‘s ! Thank you for this amazing opportunity! 💛
Commissions are open for anyone who is interested!

3 31

I see everywhere !
Twitter invasion is real

10 54

Had to draw myself a new profile to celebrate my new found love for NFT culture and the ! Also Commissons are currently open if anyone is interested !!💛

24 133

Had the pleasure of being recently commissioned by to create a derivative of their . Had so much fun, and learning to love the NFT community! Always open for more commissions!! 🤙🏽#NFT !!

9 54

Really looking forward to the development this year!
New roadmap, the games are fun, the discord is supportive and diverse, the Spaces are always educational and entertaining...and I was able to claim my pxl fangster, luckily enough!

14 62

is back to melting faces with sales. Where is ? I don't follow allot of you

12 95

Made some big moves today! Waiting to claim the PxlFangs.

15 81

Finally bought my first ! Excited for the future for this project and the community on discord has been amazing!

12 80

The new year shopping spree continues...

Simply had to grab this as soon as I saw em! This art is too cute and they're another community I instantly felt at home with.

I'm very excited to be a part of the 🤝❤️

18 59

Last weeks I swept over 80
- Why?
•Devs that love to create & won't quit.
•Great art
NOW i'm giving ANOTHER (#8114) away!
To enter:
Like this Post, TAG a few friends (More the better) RETWEET, FOLLOW!

318 444

Had to do a ting
Make dat a couple tings

Art is so fkin sick and a legend in the space!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let me see your Fang Gang in the comments!

12 81

If you are thinking about the Fang Gang, make sure you don’t miss your shot. Solid team, and crazy stuff yet to come, announcement in 4 hours

11 44

Eyo Did you pick up anything new?

I picked up nothing but a Ducky last week

7 59

Let’s get a follow train going.. tweet your below so I and every other Fang can follow!

10 61

This week I've swept 60
•Devs that love to create great art and won't quit.
•Solid Community
NOW I'm giving TWO twins away! (So you can share one)
3015 1958
To enter:
Like this Post, TAG friends, RETWEET.

181 303