Winner winner vampire dinner! 🩸 Thank you + for this sly AF 💎🚀 LFG! 🎉

4 11

Saw someone list my favorite fang and had to bite.

My dude is NOT happy about the magma situation 😂😂😂



2 14

Giveaway for this sly vampire!!!!
Let's see your NFTs!!!!

1. Post your ADSC !!
2. Hashtag

I'm going through Hashtags on Saturday and choosing a winner!!! Showing love from team!

52 88

Another day another added. Sadly I can’t join VC and in some moment the Island have no more covering for internet (or at least for me) woke up this morning with this amazing new WIN.
ty fam

1 15

Hey everyone can you help me congratulate for winning this amazing Let’s gooooo thank you everyone that participated!! Also thank you for picking the winner and posting it in the comments

9 24

This week I won the Astrokid Squad Remix challenge for the
So cool..and amazing community!!⭐️⭐️🚀☀️🚀⭐️⭐️

5 16

Let’s freaking grow!!!!!! Love this one!!! I’m like a kid on Christmas he will never go anywhere!!

2 4

The Fam from the galaxy
Love at first sight for them, mr AstroGalaxy kid and her life companion Cosmic Moon Child they choose to adopt an acidcat from the space from a a galaxy not so far from them…now they’re looking for a lil ‘ space beam 😜

7 15