Q: What important vascular variant is seen here? ANSWER: https://t.co/O1gXn2QiNK

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Clue number 2. Can you figure out the diagnosis or symptom that connects them? If you'd like to support me illustrating medicine, consider a coffee membership to the Scrub Club on Patreon (https://t.co/WxdCwbFgWb).

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Q: What sort of "mad path" do you have to walk to come up with a differential for this patient? ANSWER: https://t.co/crI6ZNAxce

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Q: What does this appearance have to do with buffalos?
ANSWER: https://t.co/oaPFDePXyM

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V-shaped ADI in young people when in flexion is typically normal. Stretchy transverse ligaments, unlike us old folk.

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Q: What do you call this beast of a sign? ANSWER: https://t.co/aMnuDoPebr

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Q: Why has a radiograph been taken to assess this patient with a headache? ANSWER: https://t.co/ga9XE5a2o7

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CT coronary angiogram is used to assess the extent of occlusion in the coronary arteries

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Q: 50yo female with knee pain. What's this appearance called and what's the diagnosis? ANSWER: https://t.co/r862dPMEHw

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Just saw this case on - excellent example of what? Answer with GIF to make it more interesting!

11 46

Q: What subtle yet very important finding is shown?
ANSWER: https://t.co/Fh9SB1QVtG

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Hypericum perforatum, AKA St Johns Wort - a common over-the-counter remedy. Importantly, it increases activity of the cytochrome P450 enzyme, leading to lower concentrations of a huge number of prescribed drugs!

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Q: What diagnosis does this pattern of nodal uptake on PET CT suggest? ANSWER: https://t.co/OLbzhSWTaJ

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Q: Anything wrong in this cervical spine? Two of these are not like the others. ANSWER: https://t.co/bj8JBi6N9d

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A peek at my next illustrated article for Artibiotics: a differential diagnosis on important causes of abdominal pain, a common but important symptom. This art is being fuelled by coffee support from my Scrub Club on (https://t.co/dYefLPFIjz).

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Q: What is on your differential diagnosis list for this cardiac mass? ANSWER: https://t.co/75ZW2Mbvuq

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Asthma is a chronic lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways making it difficult to breathe. Symptoms include wheeze, shortness of breath, & coughing. Exacerbations (‘attacks’) cause airway spasm which can be fatal if untreated. https://t.co/dYefLPFIjz

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I'm Ciléin; a doctor & medical illustrator drawing from a background in video games dev to open medicine with 'artibiotics'. I've started a where coffee-sized support helps me create new content for all. Check it here: https://t.co/dYefLPFIjz

23 64

I'm Ciléin; a doctor & medical illustrator drawing from a background in video games dev to open up medicine through 'artibiotics'. I've started a where coffee-sized support helps me create new content for all. Check it out here: https://t.co/dYefLPFIjz

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