12yo male. Which side does he have thigh pain on and why?

ANSWER: https://t.co/y98bbwDvcm

Case contributed by

25 167

Young adult presented with severe elbow pain. Plain film/CT (requested by ortho for suspected avulsion fracture) shows globular focus of calcification at the common extensor tendon origin adjacent to lateral humeral epicondyle...

5 14

I'm no but spent my whole weekend making these for the new YouTube video - peritoneal cavity and abdominal spaces. Great for anatomy part 1 prep!

9 55

SBO case, look on CORONAL; if U see U or C shaped dilated bowel loops--> Raise possibility of closed loop obstruction (CLO). CLO needs urgent surgery, not conservative mgm.

19 87

CT of small bowel obstruction caused by obturator hernia. Dilated small bowel loops (orange) with obstructed loop in obturator hernia (*) betwixt the pectineus (blue) &obturator externus (green arrow) muscles.

24 81

Case Active TB (Postprimary TB) with endobronchial spread of infection in young age patient. Note the typical distribution of abnormalities in the posterior seg of RUL and superior seg of RLL

8 41

Malformations of cortical development - a quick (not exhaustive) overview chart.

227 1019

Really enjoy mentoring my trainees to upload cases and edit articles on .

published this on thoracic sarcoidosis.

View the full case at https://t.co/HAO0AdWr91

11 84

Recurrent A. Heubner 🔁 Medial LS of A2 ACA 🧠

✅ Parallels course of A1 ACA

✅ Supply ant. perf substance & anteroinferior caudate/IC/putamen

= contralateral hemiparesis, dysarthria, behavior🔺️

30 128

7️⃣. Normal Coronal T2W Orbital MR (Fat Sat)

Watch out!
This image isn't real  MR image! 😇
"Pixel by Pixel Handmade" ✍

2 2

Detecting M2 MCA on 🧠CTA is challenging (esp. for a new vascular supply ⬇️:

Sup division ➡️ Anterior to sylvian fissure

Inf division ➡️ Posterior to sylvian fissure

Its a CTA⏳saver when +EIC

72 282

Do you know how to approach a mass like this one? Great podcast describing an approach to mediastinal masses : https://t.co/2Kp0roxIzC

12 42

Hx: High-speed MVA trauma

⬆️STIR signal superior to C2 dens related to a normal venous plexus (🔑: please do not mistake for edema related to & / apical ligament injury)

23 88

Bilateral muscular mass lateral to the distal metaphyseal femur. Anomalous Origin of the Lateral Head of the Gastrocnemius Muscles. https://t.co/0JXiVsObdq

11 48

Q: Can you name this important ligament?
ANSWER: https://t.co/Vg6pKhNQTV

18 68