Hetalia fanart, inspired by the famous The Little Mermaid scene. France is a pretty merman 🧜‍♂️ And yeah, the flowers are lilies

1 3

I remembered panda express in US doesn't even have a spoon to eat their fried rice... I STRUGGLED SO MUCH EATING MY FOOD WITH A F O R K OTL

23 47

Finally doing some fanart for Indonesia Hetalia><💞

to celebrate this mas ganteng debuting

3 39

Сегодня закончила этот рисунок. По-моему вышло неплохо, не учитывая подбор цветов qwq
На моем мониторе сбились цвета, рисовать стало сложнее ((

2 23

Asik mas Indo debut di Hetalia. 🤡👍

15 51

Just a doodle thing I made on my ipad- good ol brit man

0 6

"mas ada bule nyolong biji pala"
Mas jamet: Bawa sini orangnya biar saya bambu runcing

178 544