画質 高画質

Happy Birthday 🥳❤️
I hope you have a wonderful day and can enjoy it to the fullest 🙌🤗 here is some Kahsimo for you 👀🙃

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I forgot to post this like a month ago with

11 68

宿儺以外も 描いていく‼️
まだ絵柄変わらんが 描いていくぞ‼️

粒は 進化したいんじゃいっ‼️

イケメン ムズすぎやろ


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18 63

I'm not really satisfied but I'll share it with you anyway 🙈❤️

1 13

いつも上を向いている >> always looking up

I had so much fun drawing my bby boy Itadori 🥰 this drawing brings me a lot of warmth and joy and I hope it does for you too!

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