Well Its Officially Officially Again Will Be The Next President Of The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! Will Be The First Female Vice President!


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One more of Joe's broken foot. Because if it were we wouldn't hear the end of it.

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「トランプ・赤ランプ!! その1」を公開しました。もしよろしければどうぞご覧ください。(無料です)I released" Trump's signal is danger!! part1" .I was wondering if you could read it.(for free) https://t.co/mGHKsISThw


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ilustró la fase 1 del encantamiento con en , la 2 en y ya queda reservado el hueco para la primera viñeta de la 3
¿Será antes, o después, de la toma de posesión?

➕#humor de reciente

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strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you're always afraid...wait a moment!

Since when did we get a promise that life would be easy? Buckle up lovers Help is on the way https://t.co/w169144C9U

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Brian Adcock: The orange bell-end is not a happy narcissist       – political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6

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Presumptive President-elect calls for while radical extremists like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez demand revenge.

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Steve Bell on Boris Johnson's call with Joe Biden - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6

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Well, these creatives by diffrent designers truly shows how Joe Biden has captured the world with his victory over Trumph.

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