//=time() ?>
David Horsey, The Seattle Times @davidhorsey #TrumpTantrums
Merrick Garland and DOJ needs to ketchup with the Jan 6 Committee and charge Trump now. #Trump #TrumpTantrum #Ketchup #KetchupGate #January6thHearings #Jan6 #TrumpInsurrection #TrumpCoupAttempt #DOJ
#Trump KNEW he lost and
there was no election fraud- he threw a #TrumpTantrum leaving his lunch on the wall.
Trump KNEW people were armed and would March to the Capitol on #Jan6
Follow for more #cartoon
#January6thHearings #TrumpKnew #webcomic #webcomics #Politics
Just read an opinion piece that said while he may think of himself as a mob boss, “Trump is no Vito Corleone.”
That’s for sure.
He’s Fredo.
#editorialcartoon #politicalcartoon #Trump #TrumpTantrum #TrumpActsLikeAMobBoss #TrumpCoupAttempt @MCRgh1 @AAEC_Cartoonist @BrianKarem
"Questo veicolo esploderà fra 15 minuti!!
Gli scatti di rabbia di Trump
This cartoon is going viral again. For the fifth time. #TrumpTantrum #TrumpIsACompleteFailure #TrumpRally
This cartoon is going viral again. For the fifth time. #TrumpTantrum #TrumpIsACompleteFailure #TrumpRally
Cartoon for @chronicleherald #TrumpIsALaughingStock #Trump #TrumpTantrum
@TomFitton #GOP @GOP #GOPCorruptionOverCountry #TrumpVirus
#FascistTrump #FoxNews @SenMikeLee #TrumpTantrum
#GOPComplicitTraitors #GOPBetrayedAmerica #Trump
Is Everybody In The GOP A Whine Expert?
@factandrumor @GOP #GOP #GOPCorruptionOverCountry #TrumpVirus @SenRonJohnson #GOPComplicitTraitors #TrumpTantrum
#TrumpCrimesCommission @LindseyGrahamSC #Trump
Will Rudy Get Past The Trump Death Panels?
@sergeivote @TCRG2012 @Fix8d2020 @factandrumor @MichaelaCharl10 @ResisterForever @REDGRRRL1 @KathleenKatfox @GaleTStrong @ellinidata @DoingJack @ResisterF @bamableu @vegix @bab_101 @CALUSA18 @USAS_WW1 @TommyPaine12 @DrMcKinn @FlushthtrdNov3d @Empath_g_app @Just_ReneaR @pamcalling @FlowerAndIris1 @troykeasling @TeamBlu83954062 @MauiJohnT @DWiliamson @EKLOCYRAG @scrantonville @KM_Resist @usambovu @Gdad1 @hempycampr @zimraniaxy @MotherWitAdv @AmericaDialogue @Official_AQ2 @tmoir0 @aniwam @2022_VoteBlue @Meidas_KatiePB1 @jewell35_a @kellabel @Gr8fulchik2 @phinandme @claypaulnobles @KWehsner Be Safe America!
It’s very simple.
Wearing masks returns America to normal quicker.
@GOP #GOP #Trump #TrumpTantrum #TrumpVirus #trump
#UnFollowTrump #TrumpMeltdown #TrumpIsPathetic
#MAGA2020 stolen by Joe Biden and Democrats. #DominionVotingSystems flipped votes.
We will not trust #Election2020results unless there is a full audit.
Not only is there a #TrumpTantrum there are over 70 million people having a tantrum. #MyVoteCounts! #Trump
Reprise of my cartoon from 2017 — appropriate now as Trump is the clog. #TrumpTantrum #TrumpIsALaughingStock #TrumpIsANationalDisgrace #TransitionToBiden #TransitionNow
Brian Adcock: The orange bell-end is not a happy narcissist #imacelebrity #ImACeleb #imacelebritygetmeoutofhere #antanddec #TrumpCollapse #TrumpTantrum #JoeBidenKamalaHarris2020 – political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6
@imjedi @GOP #GOPBetrayedAmerica #GOPTraitors #TrumpCrimesCommission #TrumpTantrum
Natural Selection in 21st Century has Adapted.
Darwin’s Work is Now “The Origin of Feces” and
“Survival Of The Idiots”.
Manipulated by Social Media Algorithms To There Demise.
Here's my new one about SPINELESS REPUBLICANS! See more of my spineless favorites on my blog at: https://t.co/GJ4Vho3AhU
#Election2020 #bidenharis2020 #BidenHarris2020 #PresidentElectJoe #ByeByeTrump #ByeDon #Election2020results #BidenHarris #TrumpTantrum #YoureFiredTrump
Christian Adams @imacelebrity on #cartoon #TrumpOut #TrumpTantrum - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6
#ConcedeTrump Cartoon I drew for the Melbourne Observer #TrumpTantrum #TrumpMeltdown