This is so heartbreaking :(
Sleep well and sweet dreams, our little angel
You are in a better place now. 💕

1 3

Thanks Flash Frontier for publishing a conversation between me and Jungian Analyst Siobhan Collins about dream work in the Doors issue. I am running a 6 week Zoom Dreams into Fiction series beg next Sun afternoon 10th Jan —more info

7 17

Places on my course selling out - pm me if you can't sign up! 's
Patreon members still have a few places reserved for them

1 6

Perkenalkan, nama saya Nohirara Swadayana. Anda bisa memanggil saya "Nohirara" maupun "Wikimin".

Saya adalah pengurus dan admin media sosial Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia. Untuk informasi lebih detail dapat mengunjungi situs web yang ada di profil Twitter milik saya.

Salam! ☺️

23 227

Intrpretasi dari karya dongeng Titien Wattimena - BIAS
Pameran virtual masih bisa dikunjungi sampe besok tgl 28/10 dgn download aplikasi OCULAR ART SPACE, ada total 9 karya dr teman2 ilustrator/seniman lainnya 🙌🏽


0 5

In J. Campbell's "Hero's Journey" the whale represents "the final separation from the hero's known world and self". A Biblical bexample is Jonah being swallowed by a whale. In Jungian analysis it means death & rebirth, the ABYSS itself.

4 15

Alo wankawaan
Merch hipmi dan wap ku uda up di Shopee yah
Silahkan kunjungi link ini kalo mo lihat-lihat 👌

Ps: preview dojon menyusul yha

31 95

Looking from an alchemical perspective, producing group was like producing the philosopher's stone. So basically was like the magnum opus. I'll try to explain everything using Jungian psychology as well.

34 79

Commissioned by
Saudaranya adik kucing yg grumpy sebelumnya.
Commissioned work masih dibuka hingga akhir tahun. Jika tertarik, silakan kunjungi retweet di bawah untuk cek katalognya, lalu klik lonk yg ada di bio untuk pemesanan.

0 1

One never knows what will emerge during hour. This a self portrait- well the anyway

3 9

halo guys, aku baru aja kolaborasi dengan teman-temanku dalam rangka kolaborasi narasi. Lebih lengkapnya boleh mengunjungi ig ku :)

1 9


32 58

Hai, aku gak bisa apa² kecuali nggambar gak jelas pake ponsel jadul di apk jadi hanya

Kunjungi juga :

0 2


Maap ya ku repost, lupa watermark huhu TT

11 44


THREAD: concept of the the ancient Chinese principle of Yin-Yang, opposites & complements, elements in alchemy, and possible symbolisms in the first teaser photos

124 272

[ RTs are appreciated! ✨ ]

Halo semuanya! Aku masih open commissions dengan 2 style di bawah ya. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut bisa kunjungi ↬

Feel free to ask melalui DM yaa. Terima kasih banyak! 💖

29 16

Yeay! Udah mau mulai tahun ajaran baru, waktunya beli peralatan sekolah baruuu!

Ketinggalan cerita sebelumnya?
Jangan khawatir! Baca GRATIS semua episode Reon and Friends Daily Life di website re:ON Comics!


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