Just a thought💭
They say "water reflects the face so the heart/life reflects the man"... is the water reflecting logo... Jungian Anima and Animus??

the intense emotional change/movement between anima ''Illecebra' like Aphrodite & the animus (Arcanus)

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A random thought I had:
Looking at my 3 Atlas variants, I notice they kinda fit 3/4 of the Major Jungian Archetypes

Regular Atlas: Persona Archetype
Spooky Atlas: Shadow Archetype
Femboy Atlas: Anima/Animus Archetype

Only "The Self" archetype is missing

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"My Jungian Shadow" - colored pencil on paper

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this crazy dream where i pull a giant pearl out from under my tongue (yes like an oyster, please send the jungians)

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in jungian psychology "shadow" is the part of the personality that you don’t want to identify as self but still is a part of your unconscious mind.
this dark side of your personality contains everything your conscious mind can’t admit about itself.
shadow is reverse vii

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A Jungian bunion
Popped up on my toe

Don’t know if it’s born
Of my id or ego

It’s willful & wonton
These two things I know

Make up our convos

And tho I don’t like him
I can’t make him go

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Characterised by a highly saturated abstract aesthetic, ’s work draws from Jungian philosophies, colour theory, and psychology.

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Unknown artist — The dream of a patient in Jungian analysis: a tunnel, into which water cascades from the top into a swirling pool; small people look down from the top (between 1970 and 1979) [2668x3320]

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Rubedo -Latin for "redness" was adopted by alchemists to define the fourth and final stage. Reaching this blood stage meant alchemical success and the end of the Great Work.
Psychologically it might mean bringing passion and heart to our daily work.

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Last 12 hours for the early birds rewards!

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Well integrate the anima. Which is far too complex for Twitter replies & there are enough resources on the Internet. It is ABC of classical Jungian analysis:

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💕I am Maliha. My collection of digital paintings depicts the characterization of women based on Jungian psychological archetypes and the recognition of the inner characteristics seen in the outward form.

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Just the reason I needed to grab a I picked this guy, cause of, you know, the Jungian thing.

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It's been a while since I've drawn my little Jungian Shadow, Gladys
Done in Drawpile

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It's that old post-Jungian idea of the two versions of ourselves, ourselves as we experience the world and others, and ourselves as others actually perceive us. For 199,990 years of human existence, our own perception of self has dominated our interactions with the world.

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Thank you for the wonderful space today, Nik! Did these 3 based on shadow work, which in Jungian psychology means to bring repressed (shadow) parts of yourself to light cuz that's where true healing begins. Accepting -ve parts of yourself brings +vity.

Not NFTs yet but will be.

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the 18th mandala in the "Deep Dives: Mandalas by Think Nima" collection; hand-drawn and digitally edited by me in August 2018.

Influenced by Jungian psychology, the balancing of opposites, Taoism, and my own life experience.

Available for 0.11 $ETH

Link below 👇

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