This post has nothing to do with this is just a drawing of mine with charcoal on paper. Pls Rt.

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commissions para , que tiene un gusto exquisito y me ha encargado a mis dos personajes favoritos!!! muchas gracias!!

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I don't know if you know aka but it's a nice show! Here's a drawing I made yesterday 🖤

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-'Raquel, the Ministry on the phone. What shall I tell them? They'll ask who gave the order.'
-'I gave the order. Tell them... tell them the wounded man is a hostage.'

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I guess... I was ashamed to sit in front of my boss and tell him about a year and a half of humiliation and blows. I've got a 9mm HK in my holster, but... I don't fucking know how to take care of myself.

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