Morning We are so glad you joined us for our last chat of 2020! Let's reflect on the good, bad, and ugly in hopes of a MUCH better 2021!

Please introduce yourself, where you are chatting from, and what you do in education.

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Join us in 30 minutes for to chat about the good, the bad, and the ugly of 2020. It's our last chat of the year!

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If you want to keep chatting about the good, the bad, and the ugly of 2020 to get ready for 2021, join at 8:30 for another 30 minute chat!

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I feel like I've missed so many good conversations this morning! I'll have to go back and respond later. :) I'll archive the chat tomorrow and tag you in the collection. SO... keep on chatting and connecting!

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Good morning ! I'm Pam, an Instructional Coach in Charleston, SC. I'm excited to chat about blogging today! We just sold our house this week, so now I can think straight to blog again. ;)

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Thanks for joining us! Y'all have a wonderful weekend! We'll be chatting about blogging next weekend. Our last blogging chat for 2020. I just love saying anything that includes "the last...of 2020". ;)

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If you are new to here's how it works...

We chat on one topic (BOOKS for today) and just let the conversations flow naturally! No Q's to keep up with, just good conversation.

Connect with & I today so you don't miss a thing.

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We've got a big question today! How do we help each other when we can't be together?

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We changed our image so all of us had coffee. Thanks for the suggestion! I don't remember who to give the credit to. ;)

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Since one coffee wasn't enough for all of us, here's a new Logo! See y'all in the morning to chat about Social Emotional Learning

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Morning We are so glad you are joining us this morning! Let's chat about creating and celebrating teacher leaders!

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I now have 14 tabs open thanks to :) Now let's see how many I can add during ! Thanks for a great chat!

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Since y'all are definitely teacher leaders, we hope you'll join after beginning at 8:30!

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We missed y'all last week, but we are back this Saturday from 8:30-9:00 am EST to chat about "Creating and Celebrating Teacher Leaders". We hope you'll join us and bring a friend!

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Just a reminder... I'll archive the chat and tag you in a collection so you can go back and see all the tips shared today! Feel free to keep on chatting, I won't archive it until tomorrow. :)

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I'm Pam Hubler, an Instructional Coach and Google Certified Trainer
in Charleston, SC. I'm excited to be here will y'all this morning!

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Good morning ! We're so happy to see you this morning!
Please introduce yourself and tell us where you're chatting from.

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OMGee...It's 9:00 already! I'll be archiving the chat tomorrow, so feel free to keep sharing! Take a minute to sit and read today, you deserve the mental break. :)

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