I'm Pam Hubler, an Innovative Learning Coordinator in Charleston, SC. As one of the co-moderators of I'm super excited to lead our chat this morning on Summer Blogging.

Personally, I have some catching up to do on writing and reading some blog posts. :)

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If you are new to I'll archive the chat in a collection and tag you in it so you can check out the resources or follow new Twitter peeps. Feel free to keep on chatting using our hashtag. :)

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If you are new to here's how it works...

We chat on one topic (BOOKS for today) and just let the conversations flow naturally! No Q's to keep up with, just good conversation.

Connect with & I today so you don't miss a thing.

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If this is your first time joining here's how it works. We don't have formal questions, we just chat on one topic for 30 minutes so we can have deeper conversations without keeping up with the questions. We are so happy you joined us today!

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