Kiki pats? Kiki pats.
Old drawing of your favorite chicken nugget from Rosewood, ignore the fact she's the only harpy so there's no competition-

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I like your sweater, it smells just like you...!
But, uh, can I bother you to give me some more headpats...? I really like it when you ruffle my hair... ; ;

... ah, that was a weird request, wasn't it...? ////

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Hope this kitty gets some pats. 🥺💗

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hey... would you give suya headpats..?

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Don't forget to give head pats.
Asset by

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You just found out the easiest way to calm him down without me having to tell you. Goombatt’s a sucker for head pats. Dude could be cussing someone out, borderline ready to start a fight, but a few of those will quickly de-escalate the problem. And if a girl he likes does it:

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When you're ready for headpats.

Or other lewd things.

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Thank you for the head pats. They help a lot!

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Good morning....could I have some head pats...?

🎨 by @.naomochii

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I have a little shark lady who is 4 foot 6 and she loves cuddles cause since she has no fur she gets cold easier. She's smol and squishy and loves head pats. And she loves to meant people and is very nice

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Yayyyyyy I get new friends and headpats...Smol Saru happy

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This first image shows that Sakuya is annoyed that the head pats have stopped, please continue to give her head pats. The second image is Sakuya after receiving more head pats.

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unironically, UNIRONICALLY? I want headpats. Please. Thank you.

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Start talking french knowing full well that can't understand then finish with "im here ma chérie come're" giving a big hug and headpats.

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Happy Monday to my sweet souls. Know your empress loves and adores you!! Do your self care then come lay on my lap to get your head pats.
Love ya~

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Panda 🐼!! 💙 I give hugs and headpats. U’re so much fun to game with.
Thank you for being part of my community. I’m glad to meet an amazing person like you. T^T keep being the amazing person u are.

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No stream today.

I have like 3 appointments this week so no streams ;-;

The 12 hour stream will be 25th! Starting at 9am PST!

See you all cuties there. Expect laughs, games, me being dead inside, and lots of head pats.

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F-fine. Have a PNG. And a brief description.

I'm sparky and I enjoy cosy vibes. Please give me love and attention and pats. You may use the tail as a blanket. It is cosy. 💛✨

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