It's so we have 3 fine new that will transport you to another world:

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️"Magic and madcap with and talking fruit!"
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Yay! It's - the PERFECT day to visit your library - whether that's a public library, a Learning Resource Centre or specialist Information Centre! 📚📖💻

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A throwback to one of my favourite projects, illustrating 'Oscar The Curious Cat' by Sharon Stevens 🐈 I'd love to do more children's book stuff in future, so fun!

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Happy Friday! Here's another lovely illustration from Director

0 13

Was Jamie right about each of us having our own little fortress?

1 10

Do you think adding the (darkly) humorous parts of this chapter would have worked on screen, if they had included them?

0 7

Given the changes in the show, how was Jamie's story altered re: taking the laudanum at the abbey, vs refusing it on MacRannoch's floor?

1 4

Do you think Jamie really did feel "lucky" in that moment for having survived his ordeal?

0 5

Were you surprised that in the midst of everything, Rupert found time to lift some cattle?

0 8

If you'd been in MacRannoch's place, would you have decided to help Claire - risking everything you own and your own family?

1 9

Were you surprised to find out that Murtaugh had been in love with Ellen?

0 11

Would you be able to administer medical help to someone you loved, knowing it would hurt them terribly?

0 21

If you were really a witch, what would you use your powers to do?

0 20

Wow, that hour flew! Time for 1 more?
We know Jamie is a man of his word, but why do you think he didn't fight back or try to kill Randall before he raped him?

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Did it seem odd that Randall nailed Jamie's damaged hand, rather than the undamaged one? Why do you think he left J the use of his dominant hand?

0 4

We missed ye, lass, but good luck tomorrow!

0 6

Just a plot device to worsen the odds of escape for J&C, perhaps? (continuation of Marley question)

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