Since FOX already did movies where Jean Grey dies in her confrontation w/ the Phoenix y'all think the will have Jean wielding the Phoenix power? Cause having her use the Phoenix Force as a hero is one aspect the FOX movies never touched.

0 9

Batman and Bronze Tiger haven't been at odds in ages, and frankly, I'm surprised their alliance hasn't resulted in Ben Turner getting more appearances.

2 8


(DC VS Bleach)

-Random Encounter
-Location: Sabody Archipelago

Who wins, and why?

3 11


(Naruto VS Dragonball)

-Randon Encounter
-Location: Hawaii

Who wins, and why?

4 15


(Naruto VS Fist of the North Star)

-Random Encounter

Who wins, and why?

2 1


(Marvel VS DC)

-Random Encounter
-Location: Metropolis

Who wins, and why?

6 20



(Rambo & Predator VS Alien)

-Each side gets 1 week prep

Who wins, and why?

3 15


(Soul Calibur VS Mortal Kombat)

-Location: Netherrealm

Who wins, and why?

5 19

🤷🏿‍♂️No, hon, that's Y'ALL Queen.

MY queens are just fine, thanks.😌

3 13