Greater prominence for these Women of X, please!

(I'd also add Monet here, but she's already got an Avengers team-up thing coming, so idk what they got planned for her in the future.)

0 1

Just celebrating some special faves today! 😌

-Coagula (DOOM PATROL)
-Earth-1610 Jessica Drew / Spider-Woman
-Nia Nal / Dreamer
-Brutha Nature (X-MEN)

2 14

The Category is: Black Women Mutants I Need To See More Of!

-Shard Bishop (Light Absorption, Light Form)

-Threnody (Death-Energy Absorption)

-Astrid Bloom (Telepathy)

-Unveil (Psychotropic Mist Generation & Manipulation)

2 8

🙄Yes, because as we all know, ALWAYS uses Storm when they put out magic-focused content. When you think Marvel & Magic, Ororo Munroe is ALWAYS front & center in that convo, as befitting her long-known magical heritage.😒

6 28

Your daily reminder that despite often acting as antagonist to heroes & sometimes aligning w/ villains, HATES Nazis & it would be lovely if we got to see him beat some up in, say, an movie?

13 43

Having Jason Momoa's Aquaman meet Jason Momoa's Lobo, and they talk about how they both love dolphins...idc, that would be peak cinema, lol

2 8

Batman and Bronze Tiger haven't been at odds in ages, and frankly, I'm surprised their alliance hasn't resulted in Ben Turner getting more appearances.

2 8

🤷🏿‍♂️No, hon, that's Y'ALL Queen.

MY queens are just fine, thanks.😌

3 13

Whether as Kid Flash or Flash, Wally West showing his hair through his cowl will always be my favorite look.

6 20

😅Part of me hopes not, tbh; Wonder Man is already a character w/o much in the way of solo, starring story arcs (he's most regarded for ties to others); it'd raise fan interest, but would surely overshadow him.

0 1

Somebody once suggested that Cyborg & Starfire should end up as a couple in the comics & tbh, I can't stop thinking about how great that romantic pairing could be.

3 8

Drop four non-comics characters you relate to? Here's mine:

Stitch (Experiment 626)
The Cheshire Cat
Bugs Bunny
The Doctor (Doctor Who)

0 2

Saw this link ( in a tweet, and had to get mine expeditiously.

🥰😘😌Happy Friday to all the folks who find themselves in these circles, y'all! (And to those who don't, uh, better luck next time??😅)

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I feel like if/when Marvel/Sony brings Ultimate Spider-Woman to live-action, Nicole Maines would be great casting in the role.

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