Unikitty: I bet he’s thrilled to learn he ha-ha-ha-HOLD ON!! Did you just say “video games”?!

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Unikitty: It’s a real pleasure to meet a fellow fan of Lachlan! How do you know about him from your time?

Lachlan: You wanna tell her, Zipp?

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Unikitty: No, he’s not! It’s like he’s vanished from the face of the planet...!

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*Unikitty made sure to be as careful and gentle as she could while bandaging up Lachlan’s ankle, and despite a few yelps and whimpers from him, she did a good job*

Unikitty: How does it feel...? *she said, sitting down next to him*

Lachlan: ... Better than it was before...

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*the small swarm of changelings go through the caverns to find them, meanwhile in the secret cave room*

Unikitty: *helping Lachlan sit down* Gently... gently...

Lachlan: *winces as he sat down* Agh... I’m okay... ish.

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Cozy Glow: *sobbing*

Unikitty: Shhh... there there, Cozy, I’m staying here.

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Unikitty: *she smiles back at them, then walks over to Cozy Glow who’s trying not to cry*

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Discord: Not yet, I have to wait for Twilight before I take my turn. *implying he already trapped them in a pinball game*

Unikitty: Wait, what?!

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Unikitty: It had something to do with flippers... and- Oh! I remember!

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Unikitty: *she was staring blankly, thinking about something*

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Unikitty: Lachlan? What’s wrong?

Lachlan: Sometimes I feel like Anthony doesn’t like my RP ideas because at some point, he just stops unexpectedly...

Unikitty: Oh, don’t say that, I know that he loves them! I’m sure he has a good reason.

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Puppycorn: Just do what most dogs do!

Unikitty: I can’t, little bro. I’m a cat too!

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Lachlan: *he paused for a moment when Gilda called him “little buddy”, then gulped* Y...Yeah... I’m sure...

Unikitty: *as she kept helping him, she noticed what he just did*

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Unikitty: *sniff* But... I’m the one who made you like this... I’m a mess up...

Applejack (Winona): *whimpers kindly and licks her comfortingly*

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Unikitty: *giggles nervously* ...I made a mistake...?

*but the girls were not happy... AT ALL*

Twilight (Owlowiscious): *hoots: uh-oh*

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Unikitty: How did this even happen...?

Angel (Fluttershy): Uh-oh, not again! U-Unikitty, watch where you sit-! *squish*

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