Lachlan: And it sounds just like Snail!

Unikitty: *giggle* It *is* Snail, silly!

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Yona: You’re being silly, Unikitty. There’s no such thing as ghosts.

Unikitty: Would I really lie about something I’m terrified of?!

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Unikitty: (That’s it! Maybe telling a story about Lachlan will calm her down.) He told me so himself, but he didn’t tell you or the others in case you would just say something like “tough love”.

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(Sonic 3, but with Lachlan)

*Lachlan and his sidekick/girlfriend Unikitty are flying to the amazon jungle where Discord has taken the Mane Six*

Unikitty: The amazon, straight ahead!

Lachlan: Cool! *jumps off Unikitty’s plane* Race ya!

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Unikitty: Why is the castle floor all wet?

Celestia: Poor Lachlan’s still crying in his room, not only because he misses Ash, but he just gets so emotional when it comes to saying goodbye.

Lachlan: *bawling*

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Unikitty: Grrrr…!

Gallus: Trust me, pops. You do NOT want to make this kitty angry~!

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Cozy Glow: We do, just please don’t ever do anything like that to us again!

Silverstream: You really really scared us!

Yona: *nod*

Unikitty: I won’t, I’m so sorry!

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Unikitty: Well… *a flashback plays as she narrates* “I got so upset that this the I-lost-count-hundredth time they’ve argued with each other that I shouted at them to stop, then I pretended to stumble backwards out of the window and… die.”

“STOP IT-!! AAAAHHHH!!” *thud!*

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Unikitty: *gulp* I really hope that was your tummy…

Lachlan: N-Not mine…

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(Unikitty and Lachlan enter a different haunted mansion, even more dangerous than the Disney one.)

Unikitty: *teeth chattering* I think I prefer the other haunted house!

Lachlan: Aw c’mon, don’t be such a scaredy-cat!

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Starlight: Doesn’t it hurt?

Unikitty: Nope, it’s like being smushed by a big soft pillow!

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Starlight: They did, but what exactly does “Yona’d” mean?

Unikitty: I’ll show you! *whistle* 🎶Yona~!🎶

Yona: Look out below! *BOOMF!*

Unikitty: *giggle* THAT is being “Yona’d”!

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Gilda noticed Unikitty giggling as she was writing something on a piece of paper.

Unikitty: *giggling* This gonna be hilarious!

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Lachlan & Unikitty: Eww…

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Ocellus: *sniff* A what?

Lachlan: I’ll explain later. *drops the 1-up mushroom onto Unikitty*

*1-up noise*

Unikitty: Mmmhh… hmmmmh… *she’s weakly waking up*

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Unikitty: Huh? It is? *she readjusted the camera* Ah, that’s better.

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“Unikitty Prime”

Unikitty: “Ah!! W-What did these things do to me?! I look angry, even though I’m not!!”

Tinkerhound: “Hm, curious… you’re still your happy self, only now you seem to be attuned to the energy of this dimension instead of resisting it. I wonder why that is…

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Unikitty: 🎵La-la-la-la-laa! Singing for no real reason!🎵

Gallus: Hey Unikitty! Just the kitty cat I’m looking for!

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Lachlan: She’s poking me!!

Unikitty: It’s free air. *Lachlan “bites” her* Oww!! Why you-!!

*they explode into a cloud of fists and feet*

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