preciso falar
ASSISTAM ABISMO MAGICO, a historia é INCRIVEL tem park boyoung vcs vão desperdiçar essa oportunidade? ahn hyoseop ó vai fazer vc se apaixonar rapidinho tanto que vc só para de assistir quando termina kk
nao ta escrito o quanto chorei vendo esse dorama

505 1356

[TRANS] 200314 Yoseop comment: You've worked hard leader...👏👏👏👏👏👏

141 165

"People linked by destiny will always find each other." -Geralt of Rivia

Who would have thought, really😊

Ps. The guy on the 1st photo is Yoon Park, 's partner in Queen's Flower

17 49


28 42

私人约稿,请勿使用。Do not use🙅🏻‍♀️

4 7

우리 별 생일축하해요
Happy Birthday🎊

Counting down on the day that we meet again~

Please don’t re-edit and remove my credit.

3 4


26 36

Hug Hug~🐏🎴❤️

Please don’t re-edit and remove my credit.

7 12

Everybody says cheers❤️

Please don’t re-edit and remove my credit.

7 18