Took a break from writing to doodle my boy. Jesper is the embodiment of the 😑 and 😒 emojis it seems! He’s definitely the level headed and responsible one, especially compared to impulsive Nastaran 😅

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One of the values Safiya teaches Nastaran is love, but specifically self-love. And in return, Nastaran will show Safiya that her worth isn’t determined by how much someone can pay.
Had fun with the lighting in this one 🥰

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Kamilah is an Ifrit, which is an evil jinni. She is the manifestation of hatred, born from the blood of one of Nastaran’s victims. Her appearance is a “perfect” version of Nastaran. Her title is “Madam Seamstress” when she takes over the faction running the slave trade.

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Jesper is the bastard son of a courtesan house master. He gained favor with his father (whom he hates) to be the accountant of the family’s most popular courtesan house to stay with his (half) sister Safiya. He gets vital info on the slave trade. Nastaran is his best friend.

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Drunk Nastaran Part 3 😆
Exploring Jesper’s and Nastaran’s friendship.

I wish I could make this one a bit more cleaner, but this time of year is busy 😭 Sorry for the roughness!

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Hope you all aren’t tired of her yet 😬
Just some info on Nastaran and the main points in her life. I had fun drawing her younger selves 🥰

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Did anyone else start crying uncontrollably when they saw that frozen wolf pup

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Safiya is a high class courtesan/slave. She’s popular due to her dancing & wit, but she uses this to get info on the slave trade. Safiya & her (half) brother Jesper are the biggest informants to Jamila’s/Nastaran’s cause (to bring down the slave trade in this region).

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¿Que el se va a dormir? ¿ya le dio el mal del puerco al nene?
En cuanto a la pregunta:a mi me gustaría que se los gastara en balear disidentes como tú, así como tu idola:la espuria "presidenta" de Bolivia,pero como es mejor que eso,me vale verga, los usará bien...

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A quicker cool down drawing, riddled with mistakes but 🤷🏽‍♀️
I always show Nastaran crushing on Safiya but this time Safiya accidentally lets her guard down. And Nastaran’s reaction is a bit....clueless 😆

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I wanted to try drawing something loving and intimate so ya go! I liked the pencil drawing as well so I included it (it was all done on Clip Paint tho!)
OCs Safiya and Nastaran.

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A scene! Layla is in a private space, so she’s not wearing hijab. Nastaran has ZERO patience with Layla 😆
Context: Nastaran & Layla are safely in Safiya’s room, waiting for her to get back. Nastaran is on edge cuz she just got yelled at by Safiya for being gone a long time 😬

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Im gonna make a comic at some point with all my characters!
This is Nastaran. She’s hot headed and a bit bloodthirsty, but she has a loving and silly side to her depending on who’s she’s talking to 😆

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Last night’s sketches to calm my precon jitters. Safiya had some fun dressing up Nastaran 😅
TBH I can see Safiya having a bit of a fashion show with everyone 😆

...what am I doing with my life guys 😂

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I wanted to show a different side of Nastaran and Jesper’s friendship. They’re usually arguing, giving each other attitude, or teasing, but despite appearances they really do trust each other. This is also one moment where Nastaran feels absolute shame 😢
I also liked the inks!

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Astara - the god of science. Original character.

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My characters Nastaran & Safiya having a moment of healing, physical & mental wounds.
I’ve included: finished, unedited watercolor, digital sketch, & og sketch!
I combined watercolor with the digital techniques I’ve been learning. I think they work well together 😊

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I drew my ship (The I.S.S. Astara)
from STO! I did this while the server was down and I wanted to draw something cool.
I traced my ship for the lineart to get the basic shape but I'm really proud of the shading!

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