Vermillion flycatcher
Day 17 of
Dang this bird is super vermillion dude its super super vibrant its like f i r e
Speaking of fire ignore the background i dont know what was going on in my head i just started doing
45 mins, 3.14" x 5.11", Sakura Koi watercolors

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Blue jay
Day 13 of
This one is a little bit unorthodox, because i used a different watercolor paper which is wAYYY more textured
But hey haha it works right i hope
45 mins, 3.14" x 5.11", Sakura Koi watercolors

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Silver breasted broadbill
Day 12 of
Nice nice i did better than yesterday and the day before that because nOW the colors are actually correct
Except the lighting of area was stupid so i had to use 𝘧𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘩, ew
55 mins, 3.14" x 5.11", Sakura Koi watercolors

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Araripe Manakin
Day 9
I am very ahead of this thing
This actually took very long, but is looking much better than my previous birdtobers which is an accomplishment
(also ignore that date)
'Draw smart, not quick.'
55 mins, 3.14" x 5.11", Sakura Koi watercolors

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