Every Thursday, , every Thursday! Stop collecting such good recommendations!

1 6

A4) I'd actually like to see more completely ridiculous books—books such as Fortunately the Milk. Pure silliness and escapism

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Always up for a good about

Which do you prefer (UK left / USA right)?
Interesting how they have different vibes for different markets

(and if you haven't got to read this yet, maybe pop it on your TBR pile? More here: https://t.co/S9SPeGXCWY

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A5 Not nonfiction but upcoming release THE CIVIL WAR OF AMOS ABERNATHY again reinforces the ABSENCE of so many voices in history including our LGBQTAI+ voices and now think about.

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Feels weird to say since I made them, but I love my covers for my MG GN's! Adventurous kids saving the world is my JAM!

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A7) Just finishing up Arrow to the Moon by Emily X.R. Pan, then will dive into The Last Mapmaker by .

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A3) Not a trend, but I always want the "direction" of the cover art to lead the eye toward the direction the book opens. For The Guardians of Zoone, I specifically asked for the art to be flipped so that the ship was pointing right. (Art by Evan Monteiro)

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Hi ! I feel like I lucked out SO hard with my cover, and I'd love to share a little of the process, from sketch to final. I love the balance of all the concepts in the final cover!

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A1: I love browsing by cover. Two that come to mind right away are STARFISH by and VIOLETS ARE BLUE by . Both of these books lived up to their beautiful covers.


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Just finished Lia Park and the Missing Jewel by and am starting An Arrow to the Moon by Emily XR Pan.

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Sadly, our four BookChats on the nominated books have come to an end for this year. Four amazing books to choose from. Four very deserving winners. But which will land the prize? Find out soon! (But read all four because they're all blooming good!)

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NEW on How to write fiction like a scientist - think disasters!
A new approach to for Ss
Story is like + scenes like Laws of Motion

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There's no winner of but you might hold the honorary title this week for recommending different books on Twitter, FB and IG 😹 -OH

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A6 INDIGENOUS PERSPECTIVES! There is so much to learn and so many interesting stories. As always it provides opportunities to learn about other ways of knowing and allows others to see themselves in a story (looking at you )

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Currently reading The Sea in Winter by . Fell in love with the cover, and am now falling in love with the text.

(Admission: unless it's a rec, I pick books based on title and cover, and never read the back cover in advance.)

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My book The Secret of Zoone has a character who's 11 (though I don't think we ended up explicitly stating that in the book). It's a fantasy that would fit that age group (I think).

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