画質 高画質

Late and simple, but I didn't want to miss this date! 🥹😊

Happy b-day Peter!!! 🥳🥳🥳

33 360

Hoy es el cumpleaños de nuestro querido pelón uwu
Yoan le preparo un pastel especial para el owo ( en mi Au Peter esta cumpliendo 28 años xdd )

25 356

A belated happy birthday……
BGM:Daisy Bell

81 741

🎉Happy Birthday to our favorite grey psycho golf ball!💖🎁🎉

56 656

Lo ví y también quise hacerlo, estaba con ganas de difufar. 😔👉👈

16 230

“Happy birthday,Peter. Have a wish?”

The little colored particles on the cake are small pieces of hard candy btw.

21 231

Sarah's portrait.
I know it was decided to change the eyecolour to pink but... meh?
I mean, my reasoning is - as she's Peter's sister, maybe they can have the same eyecolour, to indicate that? (apart from teeth and tongue)

46 985

So, I was making these like... warm-ups, and it's now a series of portraits.
For a mysterious reason Don here looks a bit like me (mostly it's the tired look and the haircut, lol), maybe that's cuz I referenced myself to draw the hand...

78 1223

Peter: creí que las sirenas eran un mito, dicen que ellos o en este caso "ella" es un ángel del mar

2 34


12 114