💚Be The Voice of the Planet💚
(\ (•◡•) / I finished this illustration just in time!)

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Oggi, 15 Marzo, milioni di persone guidati dall’esempio di hanno manifetato contro il cambiamento climatico e il riscaldamento globale. 🌍 Ogni venerdì è buono per unirci al gruppo locale più vicino a noi e fare la nostra parte. 🙌🏻

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Da 1 a 10 che figura ha fatto dopo il: "sembra un personaggio da film "?
Specchi in casa ne abbiamo?
Una cosa è certa: Io che l'ho disegnata stanotte non dormirò per la paura!

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'Change the Change' centra en Donostia el debate sobre el cambio climático https://t.co/6nwXoMAJh7

Nosotros quisiéramos decir algo frente a la exasperante actitud de nuestros mandatarios ante una situación tan SERIA.

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7b (separate):
Wind of Destruction (Metal Gear Rising Revengeance)
Beneath the Mask (Persona 5)
Oscurita di Xehanort (Kingdom Hearts 3)
Climatic Return (Danganronpa)
O Parts (The World Ends with You)

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Everyday. I’m just looking for the exact climatic moment that I can take over. 🍉

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That was a really climatic episode of Pitou's voice actor will be hosting an AMA on r/Toonami at 12:00 PM PST. Stop by and pick her brain. It'll be a lot of fun!

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España, el último país de la UE en enviar a Bruselas su plan climático https://t.co/28SqamtFE8 vía

Si hablar del es hablar de previsiones para el 2030, uno podría pensar que sobra tiempo.
¿Que sobra tiempo? https://t.co/jFbhWtZr2P

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confirma q TemperaturaGlobal en 2018 estuvo 0,79°C sobre promedio de SigloXX, ⚠️completando serie de 42 años consecutivos con TemperaturaGlobal sobre típicos! ⚠️⚠️9 de los 10 años más cálidos registrados ocurrieron desde 2005! https://t.co/U9ocv4WWdl

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These creatures are often seen tending to the sick, the old and the injured in their group, which is known as ‘pod’. are not migratory but will move to places where food and the climatic conditions are suitable.

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is real. The increased greenhouse effect due to our gas emissions generates catastrophic repercussions. We have to change our consumer habits now!
El es real! Debemos cambiar nuestros hábitos de consumo ya!

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41: Anticlimatic transformation

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COMIC! It's the climatic end to Princess Pups Go West?! Did Scruffy Pup and her brother save the cows?! Are the vultures still meanie-faces?! READ TO FIND OUT

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1950 Antique map of Africa. African Continent. Vintage map Topographic Relief of Africa. Climatic Map. https://t.co/mFDL2e73UO

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Well... That was the weirdest, most unexpected, strangely anticlimatic break up ever.

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film 26 is I like this film. It's a good little film. Not amazing but good! THE CLIMATIC FIGHT SCENE is INCREDIBLE though. I think this is my favourite drawing so far

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La explicación gráfica del porqué sufrimos esta ola de frío.El ha subido las temperaturas del Polo Norte hasta 30° desplazando anormalmente las corrientes frías hacia el sur. Es un fenómeno muy grave que vaticina un gran cambio en los ciclos térmicos de la tierra

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