画質 高画質

I am experiencing simpsons of coronavirus 💔 (my roomate has it so I definitely do)

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De esta se saldrá sin todos ponemos de nuestra parte,siendo solidarios...y por eso estoy seguro que nos vamos a extinguir por egoïstas e insolidarios ¡¡Vacunad al Tercer Mundo YA!!


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First drawings of 2022, laid up with the novel coronavirus Covid-19,* thinking about what a rally raid class of vehicles might be like

*I’m fine btw, we got noodles

22 109

Tranquilos, no es coronavirus, es pobreza y eso no parece importarle a casi nadie.

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Coronavirus and social isolation Doc Rat DR3470c First published in black-and-white 20200501

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女の子 No.8[イラストトレーニング]2021
Girl No.8 [Illustration Training] 2021

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Hi guys, the day before yesterday the coronavirus took a member from my family. I wouldn’t want to ask you, but I have no other choice

If you would like to help I’m open for 3 more comms (had 40, chibi fb 80, 2-3mnth).

Or PP for donate: alexa.samohina.com

Thank u all

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Ananya, age 9, coloured this coronavirus rainbow because "it makes you really sick and at one time it makes you really dizzy so it has, it gives you a lot of feelings."

The coronavirus has certainly given me a lot of feelings.

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Just had a great dinner with my parents and aunts. Last year, none of us met up due to Coronavirus. It feels good to have the vaccinated family together. I hope everyone is staying safe and cozy during the holiday season.

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Someone please tell Rona to chill 💀🦠🦠🦠

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女の子 No.6[イラストトレーニング]2021
Girl No.5 [Illustration Training] 2021

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