Koshka With UCP & DNC

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シークレット: XMMDQ8QB

※ 10/8(日)23:59まで※

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UCP supporters justifying using tax dollars to bail out companies pretending it benefits them in any way.

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ローソンかファミリーマートでネットプリントすればシールにもなるので良ければ【UCP9T5MHKX】2022-12-26 08時頃まで

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Yup. If the ANDP adopt ’s messaging about oil, they’ll alienate so much of their base that they’ll basically ensure that the get re-elected.

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Shareholders, we hope you are welcoming in Easter as warmly as possible! We would like to take this opportunity to show the UCP's celebrate as humans do, too. They took this photo for you, completely of their own free will.

Happy Easter!

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The Hollywood Reporter informó que las novelas gráficas tendrán una adaptación al bajo la producción de los estudios Science SARU. y Universal Content Productions (UCP) también participan en el proyecto.

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The Hollywood Reporter informou que as histórias em quadrinhos de "Scott Pilgrim" terão uma adaptação para anime produzida pelo estúdio Science SARU.

A Netflix e a Universal Content Productions (UCP) também participam do projeto.

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If the UCP won't do it, we will. Cheers 🥂 to strong leaders, on this

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Pay cuts.

That’s how this UCP government is rewarding Alberta’s nurses who’ve sacrificed so much throughout this pandemic.

I know that a lot of you are burnt out and you’re overwhelmed.

But you continue to do all you can, despite the way you’re being treated.

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How do Kenney and the UCP thank Alberta nurses for serving Albertans on the frontlines of the pandemic, putting patient care ahead of their own health?

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offers up the "EVERYBODY ... INTO THE POOL" and get a - & political diversionary tactic. Yah, this rodeo is about to crash into the federal govt when the vaccinations are nowhere to be found. Yah burnt Kenney.

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A picture is worth a thousands words! What has Kenney & the UCP done for Alberta? Here is a visual reminder for your Sunday lunchtime news review!

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