A Zacian and Zamazenta request! It's the perfect combination to a sword and a shield. Sorry, Aegislash.

1 4

Aegislash is the best gen 6 pokémon

0 6

Defeating Evil and Resetting the World – illustration
Designed by BigIsland
Product ID : 004-0131
Royalty Free


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681 - Aegislash-shield
Type: Steel / Ghost

Abilities: Stance-change

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Yo, Coloradoans! Our legislators are working on a bill that would allow us to vote for key health care essentials that would direct the legislature to enact universal care!
• Urge your legislator to cosponsor the bill! https://t.co/vHe4imBJAy

Honk+Wave at 10am, Mulberry/College

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States like Texas and Floriduh - where book-banning christo-fascist extremists legislate -are losing all their sane teachers.
Are parents really ok with that?
Is nobody concerned about the quality of their children's education?

151 482

"Ginni sent 29 texts to urging a coup.Urged 29 Arizona legislators to overturn the Took $200,000 from someone who had a brief before Clarence. Exploited SCOTUS for financial gain. Don’t let Ginni hide behind news of the search.She’s guilty"

342 695

Brazilian legislation proposes to track gold production through blockchain technology - Kitco NEWS https://t.co/k2pVd9GyAG

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7. PER NOI UOMINI E PER LA NOSTRA SALVEZZA DISCESE DAL CIELO (Il figlio di Dio si è fatto uomo per redimere gli uomini, perché Dio non redime ciò che non assume. L'uomo caduto non poteva redimere se stesso. Cristo è legislatore e giudice degli uomini).

3 10

Reverse Aegislash! | OC

(Posted by AnnaHaruka: https://t.co/s16eCGPbD2)

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Yesterday the House passed the - are not used to passing much impactful legislation, unfortunately, so this one will hit them hard.

But I think it’s progress.

Follow for more cartoons!

4 8

Aegislash is one of my favorite Pokemon! Here's something that I thought of for no reason
Speedpaint coming soon!

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