Retreat, I still can’t stop thinking about the sooooo magical

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A lighthouse/ Travel by Painting

In today's English live, I painted a lighthouse with no-sketch watercolor.


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Today on the streets of I was asked if I was that artist who paints coffee cups *boom* *dropscoffeecup*

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Healing with Watercolor

Today, I painted a beautiful flower focusing on light and darkness. Drawing flowers with watercolors seem to be healing.


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I've always enjoyed driving across Healdsburg's Memorial Bridge. Built in 1921, the bridge was recently retrofitted and restored in 2015. No doubt there will be celebrations next year on its 100th anniversary.
Day 21/30

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Today's piece is a dead leaf 🍂

I'm really not keeping up with this challenge as diligently as I'd like, but I definitely feel like I'm seeing results in my watercoloring skills c:

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2 minutes no sketch watercolor

Today is 30x30 direct watercolor challenge Day 24. I painted a lobster with no sketch watercolor for 2 minutes

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