this is my favorite one yet.

fuck my ISP

0 3

ISP is stable...

Twitch however, is now down.

Do I gotta fix EVERYTHING here MYSELF?

18 274

Orville won't let me get the fuck outta here
(Maybe is my ISP tho)

0 7

4月8日、アリババグループの研究機関「アリババ達摩院(Alibaba DAMO Academy)」が、自社開発の3Dノイズリダクションおよび画像強調アルゴリズムを搭載したイメージシグナルプロセッサ(ISP)をリリースした。路上テス…

0 0

Propane is a better fuel for rockets than methane.
98% of the Isp but 26% better overall density when cooled to 100K. It can be kept in the same insulated space as liquid oxygen and should use smaller pumps.
chose it:

13 68

I'm stuck using my phone as a Hotspot for internet use til my ISP gets figured out, hope uploading art goes well to start off here's an Ami I sketched in SmoothDraw a few nights ago since I've been racing a lot

16 44

I think the worst part of being isolated is that my internet is shitting the bed and there ain't any way of gettin' ahold of this crusty ISP

2 34

Couldn't get CenturyLink to fix the internet after a 2 week slog through a dozen customer service folks. Switched ISP. Now waiting on XFinity. I was hitting internet cafes. I gave that up, because I attract the coughing person, who probably just has allergies, but still.

1 18

my family paid an extra 30 with our old isp for these speeds

0 3

It's really unfortunate that it almost feels like is purposefully making it so I'm unable to stream ever sense I announced moving to a new ISP. Since last week, service has been awful daily. 8 months of this & hearing "nothing appears wrong" every time.

0 3

Starting stream discussing the ISP issues, Sunday's tourney & other stuff before jumping into NT solo queue. Bring on the stream snipes:

1 3

Nelson comin' along nicely (cloak and whatnots will be optional accessories). Think I'll work my way through the ISP-N catalogue first

3 44

So, after about 39 days, our ISP has finally decided we can have internet at our new place. With that, our scanner is back up, and I have a ton of backlog scans to dump here. Enjoy! (1/10)

1 2

No stream tonight! ISP is still being wildly fucking ridiculous and I figure I might as well use the down time to do something like editing and cleaning since there's a lot of that to do. I'll see you guys hopefully tomorrow or the day after!

1 12

📍Hi! I'm SIGINT - a Sergal
Short for "Signal interrupt"
Please call me Sig.

I try my best to show the essence of who you are (thread!) - without being tainted by knowing I'm capturing it.

I'm big into motorsports.
I used to drift (not anymore).
I work in a Datacenter/ISP.

1 18

your ISP better get their act together, at least I hope your internet gets fixed asap. But anyways, people will / ought to understand the internet issue, and it not being within your control.

0 1

Equilibrium custom carbon ISP

3 9

>accidentally push past tiredness wall
>anotha one
>realize you've been up for 30 hours
>get really involved in minecraft
>Internet goes down
>hear that an isp tech nearly fried himself
>wait 5 minutes
>realize he tried to cut an HV power line.


Sure hope he's okay. :S

0 6




28 34