Feel like I'm finally hitting my stride with Guilty Gear Strive streaming.

Let's finish this month with heavy ranked grinding, and resume tournaments in August!

Live Now @ https://t.co/fduOoh5b0R

5 12

Hey there!

Stream is going live now! It's gonna be a late one!

Live Now @ https://t.co/fduOoh5b0R

TNS Guilty Gear Strive PC Tournament
Ranked Climbing
Viewer Battles
And More!

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Morning all!

Starting up a chill, maybe a little low energy stream today. I just got my 2nd vax yesterday and it really hit me this morning.

Think I'm gonna turn my cam off and grind some ranked in GG!

Live Now @ https://t.co/fduOoh5b0R

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Going live, streaming Guilty Gear Strive on PC.

I got VIP last stream! Going to do a mix of matches in celestial and viewer matches.


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Heyooooo Saturday catchup bonus stream starting now @ https://t.co/fduOoh5b0R

Starting with some Teamfight Tactics ranked. Seeing if we can finish this climb to Masters before Guilty Gear comes.

Let's see what we can do with Assassins.

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Time for the very first Give us juicy news Square, I have gifted subs on the line:


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First of two streams today going Live Now @ https://t.co/fduOoh5b0R

Finishing up our Paladin Solo HoH High Score Attempt from yesterday.

Floors 61+ Starting Now!

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Today's a raid day!

Honing our skills in E9S through E11S with practice and clear parties, and getting some early E12S prog where we can.

Samurai Savage Raiding Live Now @ https://t.co/fduOoh5b0R

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We got Diamond yesterday on our main account! Still so happy!

I made a 2nd account today for testing purposes.

Today we test the limits of KINDRED GAMING

Live Now @ https://t.co/fduOohmLSp

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Alright boys we're back to Vas and ready to rock.

Really focusing on my matches today. No cam, but commentary will be there and matches should be good ones.

Time to see if we can push S rank.

Live Now @ https://t.co/fduOoh5b0R

5 9

Hosting a PC NT community lobby for some laid back matches. After stream we've got our community night! Lobby info:

65E3093B / 1111


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Good morn!

I'm firin up the Granblue Versus this Friday!

I'm going to be doing a variety of things in the game all day. Running ranked, hosting viewer lobbies, and commentating matches and high level replays.

Live Now @ https://t.co/fduOoh5b0R

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Jumping into some NT solo queue, may open a community lobby if we have enough people for it:


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Life is Strange 2, part 4 starts now! Let's find out what other bad choices I can make this time...


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After making every worst possible choice in chapter 2 of Life is Strange 2, let's see what else I can make go wrong in chapter 3:


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Community NT PS4 lobby night! Running a few solo queue matches & then opening up a lobby if we have enough:


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Starting stream discussing the ISP issues, Sunday's tourney & other stuff before jumping into NT solo queue. Bring on the stream snipes:


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Starting off by talking a bit about what to expect this month & then jumping into NT solo queue to hopefully rank up:


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A new adventure starts now! Jumping into this old PS2 fan favorite. Let's see how it goes:


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Opening a PS4 NT lobby in a bit! Running a few solo queue matches first & then chilling with the community:


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