esse kaiser, vo te conta
fiz speedrun pq amei a cena :p

239 2468

"oi gracinha!"

fanart do arthur ajudando o kaiser, e sendo mais que irmãos, brothers (abre a imagem poxa)

32 244

With the trend for modern remakes of older Mecha anime sparked by Shin Getter & Mazinkaiser, Jeeg & Gaiking would receive modern remakes as well during the late 2000s.

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SRW F Final in 1998 would see the creation of Mazinkaiser, an original upgrade to Mazinger Z made specifically for the game. Go Nagai liked it so much that manga, OVAs & figures were made in response to Mazinkaiser's popularity.

10 52

A ideia é que e pra ser o nosso cezin- opa Kaiser, jogando um wildriftzin bem quentinho

1 17

ㅤ໒ photograph | koui. ♡ short au. ゛

﹫,, Depois de ser salvo por Kaiser, Joui passou a seguí-lo por todos os lados. Kaiser não queria sua companhia, pois sabia que não se recordaria de nada na semana seguinte. Sem desistir, Joui resolveu recordá-lo através de fotos. ,,

77 248

O problema com o Rei Destruído sendo um twink é que: Ele é dono das Ilhas das Sombras. É ele quem comanda tudo, O THRESH obedece a ele. Quando você pensa em ALGUÉM QUE MANDA NO THRESH, você pensa no Mordekaiser, não num twink.

11 71

Mordekaiser, Talon, Lulu and Kled Champie Icons Concepts by

46 315

Look ma, I sketched them some clothes! Still missing a lot of stuff, but that's for another day.
- Kaiser, tiefling bard
- Farkas, dark elf rogue

6 46

36th place (part one) with 1 vote, Asura Kaiser, Juggernaut Maximum, Chief Nurse Shamsiel, and Schwarzschild Dragon!

3 8

Free Champion Rotation, Week of August 11th: Amumu, Anivia, Bard, Caitlyn, Cho'Gath, Ezreal, Irelia, Ivern, Mordekaiser, Quinn, Rammus, Sett, Soraka, Vladimir, and Xerath

7 79

Regition also uploaded a lot of concept art for chromas on their artstation, here are some cherry picked ones: Sugar Rush Evelynn, Dark Cosmic Mordekaiser, Arcade Kai'Sa and Meowrick

6 66

tried rainbow default brush with also its been pretty long since i paint like this

12 38

Veigar has PTSD from Mordekaiser, and the torment he was gifted.

He's pretty hot headed, and gets mad, and when he does his eyes flare up. Since, yknow, they are on fire.

He has a lot of scars, most of these are from Mordekaiser (picture(s) below)

(continued) -

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This is Kaiser, possessed af bunny doll
stil trying to settle on one design, though the sketches were the last version where i left off

I might like homebrews quite a bit

6 28

It hasn't been too long since I started to play LoL for the first time, but regardless of that, when I saw this character, I just knew he was the kind of Champion I see myself playing as, and so, here it is.

Mordekaiser, the Iron Revenant.

3 9

//all my ocs from top to bottom
I did this so long ago lol thought I'd post it here
Keinz, Kaiser, Tsukihiro, Adele
Seres, Eva
Cypher, Lia, Glenn, Rao
Artemis, Ciara, Ragna, Lycoris
Asami, Uru, Magnolia

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