画質 高画質


187 475

bonus extra rambles about the other project : Tower of Guardian

Karuma project was envisioned in 2015-2016 while ToG's plot was refined during 2019s

0 2

Before and After. Clean panel of Po Bidau Gustang.

36 152

선별인원 마리아 궁예

66 255

Textless panels of Bam.

71 336

just a reposting of my old ToG fan art

ช่วงนั้นอ้าคพ่อคูนพอดีเลย คิดถึง🥹ไว้กลับไปย้อนอ่านอีก

11 33

Before and After. Clean panel of Endorsi.

28 191

Day 74: Head Empty Only Khun

My chibis are getting more squished as I draw them.
Also feel free to use this and replace Khun with some other image LOL

28 135

Before and After. Clean panel of-


76 360

1부 파도잡이 등대지기 폼 체인지

77 227

I improved the quality of the photo if someone needs it.

(I also do it only in honor of the holiday and because Khun is a cutie, Rak, sorry)


17 133