Ay Medusa... prefiero inventarle el fanfic que luego de ser violada e injustamente maldita, se fue bien lejos y vivió tranquilamente con sus hermanas despertando o durmiendo entre flores, cada día, aprendiendo de su nueva naturaleza en armonía...

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2. was a like given to the in by the It was said to be able to cut through anything including the tough bronze like skin of the

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Y la primera integrante (con y sin uniforme) de la Dark Academia es... Medusa. Os la presento, tan portentosa ella:

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Hice una comisión para , una ilustración para un futuro fic en el que esta trabajando :3
IchiRuki como Perseo y Medusa.

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Resolvi redesenhar alguns dos meus desenhos antigos, começando pela Medusa. Gosto bastante do estilo que eu venho desenvolvendo ao longo de um ano de treinos quase diários e quero continuar trabalhando nisso 🐍

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feral medusa.
trying to spend less time on lines and more on colors ✌️

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My friend as Medusa. She looked so adorable I just had to make a lil something. 💜🐍

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Se llama Addy y es una hija de la tribu de medusa. Es una persona alegre, extrovertida y nerviosa, no tiene mucho filtro a la hora de hablar y eso la mete en muchos lios. Tiene don de gentes y le encantan las cositas pequeñas y adorables :D

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Todo termina amplificando el complejo de la pobre Medusa.

Artista: https://t.co/JgHGonhU6W
TL: u/theparacite
Trad esp: Derieff

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She is a cold hearted snake, look into her eyes!!!
O Tema dos dessa semana é a Medusa.

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"The is really only made possible in coordination with the Aphrodite can romp because Medusa can kill."

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Aquí los mitos de Pandora, Hades y Perséfone, Heracles y Medusa. Próximamente ... más 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

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Perseus Episode 8:

Equipped with the gifts from the gods Perseus was ready to confront Medusa. He flew to the land of the Gorgons. But there were also Medusa’s sisters. Stheno & Euryale were deathless creatures. He knew that one look from the gorgons would turn him to stone. 🙈

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Perseus Episode 6:

The three Graeae were three strange, ancient and grey-haired women. They shared one eye and one tooth which they took turns using. Perseus following the advice of Hermes stole the eye from the old sisters and forced them to tell him how to reach Medusa. 👁 🦷

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10. Medusa.

Creo que merece un poco de amor como personaje original de Stay Night. Que si lily que si Gorgon... pero me sorprende muchísimo que aun no tenga su versión swimsuit. Lo mismo se podría aplicar a Medea... pero bueno, me gusta más Medusa que Medea, sin más.

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🧙‍♀️Today's theme is

We have a jet pendant of Medusa. Jet is electrostatic - rubbing it would produce a static charge attracting cloth & hair fibres. This fascinated the as it gave a supernatural effect!


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Alternate title: Mor-dusa

Yes, she does have Moray eels as her hair rather than snakes, unlike the original Medusa.

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Sea Medusa? Sea medusa. Seadusa...sedusa...xD

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