Here's a what-if muscle growth comic featuring my OC, Roz Auxbury that I did a while back. But aggressive I'll admit lol

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Miora Han and Roz Auxbury after an intense Chest Day workout...

Idk why I made these but whatever lol haha

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Here's a buffed up muscle version of Jesse from Pokemon, undergoing a sudden hulk out lol

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Here's a buffed up version of Marina Wulfstan from Valkirya Chronicles, as per request from one of my DeviantArt followers, a while back :)

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Welcome to my dedicated NSFW art Twitter account lol. Here I'll post various amounts of NSFW, mostly related to muscle(and other stuff lol)

So, to start off, here's some nude pics of my OC, Miora Han lol

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Sfw version of the Benji-bent piece. Almost caught up on the emergency pieces and back to my regular schedule.

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