🧐The Grumpy Aristo-kerat🧐
A keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma - bemonocled and miserable

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Thrilled to discover that You're One! has been shortlisted for the Speech Pathology Book of the Year Awards (in Australia). Thanks to for writing such a glorious little book - I adored illustrating the whole series. https://t.co/IOCJpo2bVw

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Speech Pathology Children’s Book Awards 2018 https://t.co/J3tgiL7l2T

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Diagnosis: Staph scalded skin syndrome. SSSS (not SJS/TEN). Detached stratum corneum w free floating acantholytic keratinocytes (key to dx!). If corneum missing look around slide to try to find it. No inflammation or bacteria (toxin mediated).

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Weigert-Meyer rule: important and useful to understand renal tract variants and associated pathology https://t.co/H95e6cowo9

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Gottlieb’s sandwich sign: Fungal hyphae are “sandwiched” between two zones of cornified cells: orthokeratosis on top & parakeratosis or compact orthokeratosis below. Can be used as a clue for low power dx of dermatophyte infection.

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I heart pathology... and Fridays :)

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Just out | Evidence for survival in a Middle Jurassic plesiosaur with a humeral pathology: What can we infer of plesiosaur behaviour? @ Palaeontologia Electronica https://t.co/P61GPLs1ei

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In the atlas (Gravid Uterus) of William Hunter, in contrast to Smellie, the focus shifts to pathology and the problems associated with birth. The images tend to be far more graphic, as well.

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Rare case of low grade DCIS and classic LCIS coexisting in the same ducts: a very uncommon growth pattern.

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A quick trip to London yesterday with our full time students allowed us to visit , have debates about at the Gordon Museum of Pathology & UCL’s What does it mean to be human exhibition, & immerse ourselves in the wonders of exhibition!

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NEJM – 2 articles on Neurosurgery for Epilepsy, clinical trial and histopathology https://t.co/cCVmWBIA83

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SUPER LATE but hello I'm Hayley, and hold a bachelors in plant pathology! i have a tonne of insect facts & draw baseball manga

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Holy Hyaline Globules, Batman!

Young girl with an ovarian mass...

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Young male, nasal cavity mass. What's the diagnosis and the IHC stain here?

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1, 2, Yahoo! Thrilled 1, 2, Pirate Stew has been shortlisted for the Speech Pathology Book of the Year Awards

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