Retroperitoneal spaces! Anterior pararenal space, perirenal space and posterior pararenal space. The lateroconal fascia is a cool dude 😎

108 396

These chest radiograph mediastinal anatomy illustrations by are just fantastic. All the bumps suddenly make sense!

238 652

This 3D illustration helps conceptualise the ligaments fixing the dens

10 22

Intraperitoneal ligaments get so much easier to understand when you know embryological rotation

41 121

Weigert-Meyer rule: important and useful to understand renal tract variants and associated pathology

18 51

Recognise a horseshoe kidney by converging instead of diverging lower poles on X-ray - important clinical implications

10 35

Abdominal spaces and fascias - one of many very insightful illustrations by ’s

65 185

Helpful diagram from illustrating chest X-ray mediastinal landmarks

92 198

We used this new lung CT case ( to show the branchopulm segments today! Thanks PeteJenvey!

27 59

Audible gasp of appreciation as 's horseshoe kidney illustration goes up at So good!

4 17

Great illustration of mediastinal anatomy on CXR. See more here:

49 94