20210318 Audrey Hepburn 🌸
🎨 Paul Rubens Phosphorescent Glitter paper, medium grain 300g

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they have no canon palette! color them how you want! cool friends helped me come up with example palettes! marvel as their chromatophores disguise them from predators!

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Miracle of St. Justus, P. Rubens (1635-40). "Cephalophores" are martyrs who, upon being beheaded, pick up their heads. According to tradition, the head might speak, pray, or accuse the executioners; usually, the saint takes it to the point where he wants his church to be built.

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It's almost 3am but instead of sleeping, I've spent the last two hours looking up Siphonophores.
(Art by Ernst Haeckel)

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"Night glowing pearls," jewels revered in ancient China, were actually spheres of naturally phosphorescent minerals (not pearls). This particular specimen submitted to the GIA laboratory is fluorite that has been treated to make it phosphorescent. Photo: C. D. Mengason/ GIA

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The venerable Mr Probert and his painting! (ST:TMP). One of my favourites. Love the phosphorescence.

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Le Bon Berger, Chevreuils dans la forêt in L'aventure du Si le peintre fait de l'animal son principal sujet pictural, le geste salvateur du jeune Moscophore le rend digne d'être représenté (cf St Christophe) https://t.co/CgmWpPnVpF ⤵️ https://t.co/w0KXeqXRQi

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The adolescence of Utena est un volet très sombre du mythe Utena, mais aussi réellement fascinant. Exit les jolies métaphores sensibles, ce one shot est brut, traitant de sujets difficiles et tabous. J'ai beaucoup aimé.

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warm-up sketch, chromatophores

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Parmi les vestiges : le Moschophore (celui qui porte l'agneau prêt à être sacrifier), l'éphèbe de Critios et l’Athéna Angélètos.

Il faut néanmoins rester prudent sur le "Perserschutt" car les archéologues discutent encore sur ce qui fait partie du dépôt et des remblais antiques.

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Came across a new Pokemon, I believe they are fairy type...
The evolution is:
Gendarrolls, Disphoreo and Transcendent
🏳️‍⚧️ 😃

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Maniel, an angel who look nice but is actually an asshole and Semaphore, a fairy who look like an asshole but is less of an asshole then the angel. (He’s still an asshole nonetheless tho)

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drew myself with cow ears and nudi rhinophores :]

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siphonophore gang rise up

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