A sketch painted this afternoon of the weighing in of our new mayor Annie Baughan. A traditional ceremony bringing in the new High Wycombe mayor as part of Heritage Day. Oil on linen board 30 x 40 cm.

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Been falling in love with traditional again over the past few weeks, I can't wait for our London Paint Sesh :D . Here are some studies I've made while tuning in to Lightbox expo :)

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These are that shows the colors of the nature check them out

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The process of filling the water into the rice field is I wanted to draw, but it was so my brush could not to catch up.
No place for escape the strong wind, I had.
So it barrierd me to draw at calm.

May 15 2021

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For the last couple of nights I have been doing quick Plein air oil sketches of the sunset lovely colours from sunset to Twilight how do you capture your Sunset.

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It looks cool under the shadow of the tree.
Some insect visit to watch drawing, ladybugs and honey bees.
But no one come.
The summer has come I felt, but it's only May today.

May 04 2021

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It isn't too good the aluminum palette has light weight then it has flipped by wind.
Today is sunny but strong wind has come, through yesterday.
Only the birds, were singing, look'in me drawing.

May 03 2021

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The sun came out this afternoon so had the opportunity to finish this study I started on last week, oiil linen board portraying captured light in a disused trampoline, 24 x 30 cm.

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in the result is rarely equal to the experience.

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Another one of the chalk stream in Hughenden Park from this afternoon. Oil on linen board, 20 x 30 cm.

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This is first time for use the Rembrandt Watercolors material on Waterford paper.
How feel, I wonder?
It was nice day to paint that has contrast and shadows, today.

January 31, 2021

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In the late afternoon of cold day, Mt.Fuji, shadows of town, and dried up rice field.
It make me want to finish drawing soon because of too coldness, then I daringly painted strong colores.
Decenber 31, 2020

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Rivière de la Siagne, près du village d'Auribeau, .

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The works by brush technique
art but the kind of products, I think.
But these works looks like professional artist's one, unfortunately.
So, I want to be seeking the my own style.

January 10, 2021

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Should have kept this one! Painted around the Buxton area on a grey day….

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