Onward to the next commission.

Prismacolor & watercolor on watercolor paper so far...

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Happy Alien Day! One of my favorite movies franchises ever and the original is one of my favorite ever, alongside Jaws of course.

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Nearly finished. My Illustration of Ridley Scott for a series of prints I’m doing of my favourite film directors. Will be sold as A4/A5 prints. Would any be interested in buying one...?

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A bit last minute, as always, but this is my submission for the creative brief at . You can check this and lots of amazing art at https://t.co/aU0YzNzCSa

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I spent some time actually drawing this one which was a lot of fun! I haven't drawn something for the sake of drawing it in a long time.

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Blade Runner celebrates it's 35th anniversary today! Heres my inspired of !

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