On this day in 1982, was released in theaters.
This is an illustration given to Sean Young when he visited Japan in 2019.

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"We're all just looking out for something real"

My 2nd attempt at a poster for Denis Villeneuve's Blade Runner 2049. was never completely satisfied with my first attempt back in 2018, so had to give it another go!

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bocchi na cena pog de blade runner, sei ja existe um desenho assim mas quis fazer minha versão pog

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I'd like to revisit this sketch properly...bladerunner-themed soriku feels like a good aesthetic for quadratum

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6. seems to like the simplified so I gave it a few renditions. has a nice glow to it, but still added type. The other three were weighted heavily toward type stylization. Losing much of the turtles but the type treatments are amazing!

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Hello 👋🏼
I like to make fanart in between personal works. Below is a small selection of my work. I'm open to commissions.
Thanks for looking! ✨️

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Blade Runner Black Out 2022の過去記事みてたら、渡辺信一郎監督の裏設定で、あのタンクローリーのOOCってOKAZAKI OIL CORPORATIONの略だったのを初めて知って、社長はあの人だった☺

4 17

Reo but it's Bladerunner

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前に描いた作品に色を塗ることにしました。 すべてマンガスタジオで作成、テキストはフォトショップです。 これは美しいリドリー・スコットの映画です。 ダリル・ハンナ(プリス)、ルトガー・ハウアー(ロイ・バティ)、ハリソン・フォード(デッカード)。

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しかし、最近、Max Mawbyのこのビデオによって、いろいろなことが判明してきました。


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funny juno bladerunner commission

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Dos enemigos eternos colaborando juntos por un bien común
Jericho, el Blade Runner guapetón, es de mi amigui y Damon, el señor todo madreado, es de una servidora :3

2 1

Check out my boy, Chrome-Dog!

is mixed with with a bit of (#TMNT) and splashed in.

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