At last I draw the daughter of Sonic and Shadow well, her name is Rizet. Please leave opinions of me to stop them to see if I can change something

0 10

He tried to date, Cupid if he could he would hit Shadow.

0 12

Le cambié el color del pelaje a Sarah para que se parezca más a Shadow y Sonic

0 11

❤️✨❤️✨💙 I love thia xd

12 131

I want it to join the collab with such beautiful and gorgous drawings 🥺❤️💙

11 112

An open collab where I have participated with

The first time in my life that I do something like this and was pretty nice. Thanks for share your lineart, dear!

18 93

This is the first time I do this and paint them..
I did the best of what i can-
I hope you all like these two bois~

3 7

Estaban jugando con el lápiz labial de Rouge y casi los cachan.

5 26

3) Radiance, I love drawing Sonic, I like how it comes out, but with Shadow I want to kill myself, it never comes out the way I want
I need more practice with it

6 23

2) Flow
I really had no idea what to do, so I did this simple thing, it took 4 hours to do it
The truth is that I always imagined Shadow clinging to Cupid for not letting him know his feelings for Sonic

3 21

Jaja acabo de crear un fan child shadonic/sonadow
Le puse como nombre Sarah
Haber si le hago una historia xD

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