The illustration to Chapter 2 of my Happy Endings... fic – as it was before I coloured it. I have recently been thinking about how I kinda like it more... 🤔

That moment they decide to take a chance with each other 🥺🌺

9 69

Just wanted to say "Thank you" for the 500+ people who are following me! It makes me happy that you all like my content.
Thank you thank you all. . .sending my love to you!

54 506

The version without any AU
This version makes no sense, but I just like how it looks

54 430

It's not Sonadow and it's not Shadonic either.
Don't judge me, I like this couple too. 🤭🤭

1 18

I didn’t get a chance to post (not home) and missed the date

Belate White Day 💕💜💕


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