画質 高画質

🥺🥺omg did i manifest shota nikaido

0 0

Angel boy

I'm just a person who is bad at math and history


2 26


0 4

男と生まれたからには 誰でも一生のうち一度は夢見る 「地上最強の男」 「グラップラー」とは 「地上最強の男」をめざす 格闘士のことである!




25 93


26 69

Today’s Shota Type Appreciation: SPORTS!

20 117

Aaaaa moi aussi jveux faire shota un jour xD

0 2

The angel

The place where I used to buy fruit closed, I really miss mangoes🥭, although in my current situation I don't have the money to buy one

1 13

Happy birthday nekoko and shota!

9 26

oh yeah also, your twitter likes are public.
Even if memes they are shota. So child. :o

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