5 June 1646, superb military strategist Eoghan Rua O’Neill defeated Robert Munro’s Scottish army at Benburb in Co. Tyrone. So significant was the victory, it was celebrated by Pope Innocent X with a Te Deum in Rome.

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Concept Art for ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’

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Mr. Redge takes a turn at storytelling in our episode "Bear-Weather Friends" a retelling on an Aesop fable to help Jonathan out of his friendship funk! https://t.co/hg10lDqONd

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15 May 1239, Alexander II, King of Scots, married his second wife, Marie de Coucy in Roxburgh. Two years later, she would secure the succession by giving birth to an infant son, later Alexander III, on whose Regency Council she would later be fated to serve.

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Good Night, I'll leave you with a few pictures from a , it didn't quite end happily ever after for this https://t.co/y8DVFQAYk9

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signposstory 06猫の王様
線画おわりましたー🥳パチパチパチ https://t.co/OjQEfhTIYZ

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1 May 1697, the Irish Parliament's Bishop's Banishment Act came into force, requiring all ordinaries and regular Catholic clergy to leave Ireland, and banning any others from entering the country. The Act was never efficiently enforced, however.

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When an acorn falls on Henny Penny’s head, she mistakenly fears the worst. But will her heightened sense for true danger save her bird buddies from a fiendish fox? https://t.co/WUGypVFPbu

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