I did a lot of stuff meanwhile i was not here, sorry ill Stiller be busy for school guys

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Hesper and Felix, commissions by the fabulous and !
If you’re looking for the musical vibe, I recommend lots of Bastille with a dash of Keane.

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This is a marriage of Carsebridge (closed in 1983), and North of Scotland, a distillery only around for 22 years.

Tasting notes from

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Just going to leave this here to see how much excitement there is for (semi) fantasy knights on horses in the upcoming Warhammer: Old World.

Got to admit, the Duke Gastille's crew are looking mighty fine in sable & gules colours.

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Ho il peso di una nuvola
E mille stille a formare l’anima
L’elmo è lustro senza spine
Così è la mia morale
Mi dicono eco e refolo di vento
E vago avvolto di profumo
Di te di ogni petalo ardente rosa🌹

12 19

🧐 Yah, suspicious.

I got a pal in Corby Glen wot could check 'em. If they turn out to be fronts for a gamblin' house, a speakeasy, & a private distillery, our man... well, our canine, will give ya a full report w/o arousin' suspicion. Mebbe even find ya a fine puppy elsewhere.

0 1

the fountains are now silent; the voice is stilled. it is finished

pythia sketches

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